DIY Gaming Gifts
DIY gaming gifts are not gifts that you will be able to purchase in a store or find on Amazon. These are very personal gifts that you will need to make, homemade, which is the most personal and special gift that you could possibly give to your favorite gamer. This is the type of gift that a significant other would give to a gaming partner or maybe a parent would give to a child gamer or even perhaps siblings would share with each other. If you are not really artistically or creatively inclined, there are a lot of DIY websites and blogs – which we are going to provide for you so you will be able to obtain the tutorials – that will walk you through step-by-step on how to complete the projects and there are some very simplistic projects that you can do which your gamer will surely appreciate.
One thing that seems to be a trend in gaming is to have the rooms the gamers play in be decorated in a gaming motif. There is a big correlation between gaming and the DIY. Gamers love to design and make their own creatures and scenes for their spaces. You can’t buy these one-of-a-kind pieces through any type of interior design retailer. Receiving DIY gaming gifts would be the perfect thing for a gamer since they enjoy making these things almost as much as they do gaming. Since we don’t know everyone’s skill level, we are going to pick projects that are very simplistic in nature, that even a child can do. Therefore, these gifts will be more for children gamers on this list. Let’s take a look.
Tetris iPad and Tablet Case.
Tetris is the ultimate game for any gamer. It is an oldy but a goody and so addictive. This case is the perfect protection for your iPad or your tablet. created a beautiful pattern for the case and the sewing is very simplistic, mostly straight lines with a straightforward magnet catch which will keep your tablet safe. There are fast and easy to follow directions along with photos to assist with the instructions. The PDF is quickly downloaded absolutely free on their blog. It is really adorable and you’re favorite gamer will absolutely love that you put the time and energy into making such a thoughtful gift for them.
Alternative: If they’re a Tetris fan, you definitely shjould read our other article about the best Tetris Gifts for Tetris Fans.
The Fallout Nuka Cola Caps
Kids are big into collecting these caps and it’s not too difficult to make replicas of them if you have a bunch of bottle caps lying around or can get a few to recycle. They will come out looking truly authentic. Instructables user HAZARDU5 created these and offers the Nuka Cola cap label in a PDF downloadable format for you to put on your bottle caps. After applying you’ll want to scratch them up to make them worn and real looking. Go to HAZARDU5 for the detailed instructions that includes photographs showing each step in-depth. The kids will think you got actual Nuka Cola Caps.
The Legend of Zelda Triforce Throw Pillow
Kids are going to LOVE helping to make this pillow for another gamer as it uses fabric paint and stencils for use on an old existing cushion cover with a zip closure that can be stuffed with a pillow form or pillow stuffing. You can also use fabric and sew a new pillow. The folks at ‘Our Nerd Home’ blog offer a wonderful tutorial on how to do this full project and many more cool crafts for a variety of DIY gaming gifts and they also provide the stencils that you can use for the pillows. This pillow comes out looking way cool.
Pokemon Corner Bookmarks.
Pokemon is finding a new generation of fans what with the Pokemon go craze and pairing it up with origami is the coolest idea. There has become a new trend for origami to do a corner bookmark and crafters are using this for all kinds of different creations incorporating it into all of the different things that gamers enjoy. Red Ted Art blog is popular with children’s crafts and they have done a collection of different tutorials shown making these corner bookmarks of some of the most iconic characters from the gaming franchise especially Pokemon. In the tutorials, they offer you in-dept instructions along with pictures to follow to make your own creations. You can make a bunch of these as gifts and kids can play with them as characters individually rather than using them as bookmarks. It’s a really fun idea.
Alternative: Pokemon Go players may find something that better suits their needs over in our Pokemon Go Gifts article.
Cork Board Decor
If you want to do something really cool for your gamer. Do some cork board cut outs of some of their favorite characters and line the wall with several in a row in a scene-type of order. Dominator24 offers awesome advice and directions on Instructables on just how to go about it along with some creative ideas on what kinds of characters you can use to get some inspiration. Then you can fashion some push pins that go along with the theme and the gamer will have the most unique wall around. This project will require hardly any time at all and only scissors or maybe some box cutters. Real inexpensive DIY gaming gifts that will thrill them.
Alternative: Retro gaming fan? Take a look at the Retro Gaming Gifts article. There is surely something to catch your eye there too.
DIY Fun for Everyone
There is nothing like a homemade gift. It comes from the heart and not the pocketbook. All of the projects that we’ve provided here are low in cost and should be fairly easy to accomplish but yet produce a real wow factor with the gamer in your life. It has become apparent after research for this piece that gamers are major DIY enthusiasts, appreciate the DIY presents, doing the DIY projects, anything to do with DIY. It is almost up there with their love of gaming, not quite, but they go hand-in-hand it seems. Again, these are DIY gaming gifts that you make. You can’t buy these anywhere or order on Amazon. These are for you to create and have fun with. Made for your gamer with love.